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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blowing it!

I am blowing it! I can not continue thinking it is only January and that I have plenty of time. In the last week I have worked out every day, sometimes multiple times on the same day. Just like last year when I worked out like a mad man, I am exercising to extremes but eating poorly and my diet is negating my workouts.

Since I started this blog I have put on two pounds! Unacceptable! I should have lost a pound or two, instead I am further from my sub-two hundred pound goal than I was a week ago. I know when this started too, It started last Sunday when I decided I wanted some "healthy treats' while I watched my beloved Steelers play the Jets. While shopping at the local grocery, I found a buy one, get one special on Flatouts flat bread used for wraps. Once I took advantage of the discount I had 12 wraps, probably more than I should eat in two weeks. I also bought some chopped rotisserie chicken from the deli and some mozzarella cheese. I took all the ingredients home and made a "healthy" pizza combined with some marinara sauce I had in the fridge.

By halftime I was standing in front of the stove waiting for the second pizza to finish being baked. Since Sunday I have eaten the same meal enough times that there are only five pieces of the bread left out of twelve. The Flatout bread was better choice than pizza crust, and the rotisserie chicken much better than pepperoni or sausage. But it is far less beneficial for me than say a tasty spinach salad with that same rotisserie chicken and some other veggies.

I have a little over the week to come up with something special to eat as I watch the Steelers trounce the Packers in the Super Bowl. When I figure out what that is I will share it here so we all can enjoy some real healthy fare and a Steelers win!

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People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.

Norman Vincent Peale
