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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Emotional Wreck

On Saturday, four hours before kickoff,  I was walking around the field of the Ohio State Buckeyes. The walk has been part of my pregame ritual before shooting each game for many years. Usually I use that four or five minutes to think about the game and come up with a couple of angles I have yet to exploit at Ohio Stadium. This Saturday, eight days before the start of my 140 miles to glory, I could only think of my race. I made a mistake and let the idea of crossing the finish line enter my consciousness. My face started to get flush, my eyes welled up and tears started to stream down my face.

Sunday my dad sent me a text, inquiring about my status and checking to see how stressed I was. I confessed that I was an emotional wreck and thought I knew why. For the last nine months my therapist has been two-a-day workouts, sometimes even three. Now that I am in taper mode and getting more rest than I am used to, I am going a little crazy and in need of a release valve or something is gonna blow.

That is why I am back here after letting this blog fade for the last few months. Writing helps me stay sane and hopefully keep those emotions in check until I need to utilize them next Sunday at 7:05 AM when I go for a 2.4 mile swim. Many of the hours I used to run, bike or swim will be available for preparations and writing in my long forsaken humble blog.

Tearing up at the Ohio State football game can be a little embarrassing. I only hope the next tears are ones of joy as this wannabe ironman crosses that magical finish line.

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People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves, they have the first secret of success.

Norman Vincent Peale
